Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Museum Series (Part 1)

'The Museum Experience (Shh, No Touching, No Flash)'
Oil and acrylic on canvas
3' x 4'
'The Museum Experience(Details)'
'The Visitors'
Oil and collage on canvas
23" x 23"


'TLV(Bauhaus Building)'
Acrylic on canvas
36" x 44"

'The Long Island Expressway(LIE)'
Oil on canvas
24" x 18"


'A Loving, Expecting Couple (Jeff and Melissa Power)'
Oil on canvas
24" x 36"

'A Censored Man'
Oil and yarn on canvas
18" x 34"

Oil and collage on canvas
3' x 4'

'Breaking News'
Acrylic and ink on board
2' x 4'

Derp Thoughts

Check out my new zine. 
This is Volume 1 of Derp Thoughts.
(a collaboration with Ben Mosca)